It's funny how things can happen in one area of our life that provides us with new insights and success in another area of life.
For the entrepreneur there's a definite connection between aspects of their personal life and that of the business. There are many valuable business lessons we can learn as we travel this often winding and challenging road towards BUSINESS SUCCESS!
Scott's contact information can be seen at the end of this post.
Thank you for allowing us to share your series with our audience, Scott!
Best wishes on your entrepreneurial journey ...
- Jim, for the Pro-Vision Solutions Inc. TEAM.
Here's Scott's first post in this series ...
Today’s thought: defensive driving (1) “Always Aim High”
In defensive driving courses, there are 5 practices to get safely from point A to point B while minimizing risks on the road. It makes sense that these points should also apply on the "road to success." So let’s ‘buckle up’ and get ready for a few defensive driving tips to help you on your road to success!
The first tip is to “Always Aim High”. Be looking 20 seconds down the road to try and pick up hazards and other changes far enough ahead to be able to safely do something about them, without losing too much momentum.
Travelling for 20 seconds at 40 mph will take you just over a quarter mile, so there should always be plenty to keep an eye on. Not everything needs the ‘eagle eye’, but you need to check just long enough to be aware of potential problems when you get to that point in the road. Then you can make adjustments as needed to avoid trouble.
Your "20 seconds" on the road to success may be a day, or a week equivalent. Be looking at your path/plan, and the environment you are working in to see similar hazards, such as a potentially bad relationship/partnership. Of course, try not to be harsh, although behavior frequently reveals the truth regarding others. You may need to speed up, slow down, or even take a detour to avoid getting in with the wrong people.
We already know where we want to go and which route we want to use to get us there. Practicing this tip, to “Always Aim High” will make sure we stay safe during our trip, while making good and reasonable progress!
Scott Sheris is a writer from Colorado Springs, Colorado (USA) who’s primary focus is personal core development. His mission is to (H)elp (O)ther (P)eople (E)xcel – helping to bring HOPE to others as they begin to change their lives in new ways.
To contact Scott, or see more of his work, please visit his website at:
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Thank you again, Jim, for taking the time to re-post this for your audience. I appreciate your time and your efforts.
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