Saturday, May 03, 2014


YOUR HELP would be invaluable! So I’m ‘reaching out’ through my various social media channels in order to get some quick feedback. I'm also asking you to ‘share’ this request with those in your circle of contacts.

I’ll be speaking with a group regarding the importance of having a PLAN for their new businesses. Many will not have thought about potential problems they’ll encounter along the way. As you’ve likely experienced, having prepared in advance will save precious time when the situation calls for an alternative plan.

Could you please share a few thoughts on the importance of planning?

“What area could cause a new business owner their biggest challenge, and in 20 words or less, what could they do in advance to minimize the potential negative impact?”

Please choose one of the following areas, together with your suggestion:
      A) Customers; 

      B) Financing; 
      C) Location; 
      D) Managing; 
      E) Production; 
      F) Staffing; 
      G) Suppliers; 
      H) Other (Please identify the potential area of challenge)

* IF you provide your contact information, we’d be pleased to appropriately acknowledge the valuable suggestions that come forward and provide you with access to a summary of the feedback! 

Thanks in advance for your assistance. Your comments can be added below, or sent to us via one of our social media channels.

- Jim Ewing

Pro-Vision Solutions Inc.
Edmonton, Alberta (Canada)

Business Success BLOG:
Mentorship BLOG:
YouTube Channel:
Linkedin Profile:

Twitter:  JimEwing_PVS


  1. A) Customers - Create a persona of your ideal customer and make sure all of your marketing speaks to and addresses their needs.

    Thank you Jeff Schneider

  2. Thank you John Vreugdenhil

    H) Revenue. The world will not beat a path to your door. Nothing more important than sales in your first five years

  3. Thank you Peggy Zubyk

    D) Managing - Determine your policies and put them in writing. An unwritten policy is a recipe for disaster.

  4. Thank you Peggy Zubyk

    E) Production - Don't make it all about the money you could be making off your staff's hard work.

  5. Thank you Ashoka Ishaya

    H) Marketing - Develop a 6 month plan and fund the elements consistantly. Start with three elements you enjoy imvesting time doing. Then tweek as u gain feedback. ( )

  6. Thank you Wolfgang Dombrowski

    E) Production...have or create "your own" product.
    Might be right under your nose.
    Read Acres of Diamonds Russell H. Conwell

  7. Thank you Randal Adcock

    H) Other... The business model. Everyone has some idea of a business model in mind when they start out. That model may need to be refined or changed substantially. What works for one entrepreneur may not work for another, call it personal differences. But there is a model for everyone. The trick is to find out what works best for you.

  8. Thank you Bob Idea Man Hooey

    H) Other... Research - Research the industry and those who didn't make it or are struggling... why? and prepare to avoid the same mistakes
