For many entrepreneurs, the fate of their business success as well as their personal success is tied together. What affects one part of their life can have a big impact on another area of life.
Here's another great contribution from my friend, Scott Sheris in Colorado Springs, Colorado (USA). His article is broad in application but there are definitely many aspects that fit with our focus of BUSINESS SUCCESS!
Thanks for providing this one Scott! We're pleased to be featuring this series over the month of June and invite our readers to add your comments and/or reaction to the ideas that the stories generate. Please feel free to share this post and the entire series with those in your circle of contacts.
Scott's contact information can be seen at the end of this post. We'd encourage you to visit his site when you've got a moment. He's got some great photographs posted there too - nice work Scott!
Thank you for allowing us to share your series with our audience!
Best wishes on your entrepreneurial journey ...
- Jim, for the Pro-Vision Solutions Inc. TEAM.
Here's Scott's third post in this series ...
Today’s thought: defensive driving (3) - “Keep Your Eyes Moving”
The third point in defensive driving is to “Keep Your Eyes Moving”. Even though we are already looking 20 seconds ahead and have the big picture, things are always changing!
We are moving 40 mph (or however fast) and each second our situation changes. Then for each second, the other drivers situations change. And lastly, our relationship to each driver and stationary objects change.
Keeping your eyes moving helps you stay alert to the changes, more or less as they occur. Instead of just only looking forward for example, check your mirrors often, and check to see if intersections are clear before you enter. Stay alert, as someone may be running a red light!
Just because someone else gets the ticket doesn’t mean you are not responsible for considering what you could have done to avoid an accident.
The same is true in life! As we travel our road to success the big picture is always changing. Sometimes what we didn’t think were hazards change, and what we thought were hazards may become opportunities, or create openings for progress.
By keeping our eyes moving we can see "20 seconds" ahead and scan everything in between. If you “Keep Your Eyes Moving” you’ll get the big picture and keep updated as to what is really happening on your road to success!
Scott Sheris is a writer from Colorado Springs, Colorado (USA) who’s primary focus is personal core development. His mission is to (H)elp (O)ther (P)eople (E)xcel – helping to bring HOPE to others as they begin to change their lives in new ways.
To contact Scott, or see more of his work, please visit his website at:
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