Sunday, December 16, 2012


Several years ago, after a number of frustrating experiences of their own, three people decided to go into business together. The names of these entrepreneurs were: READY, WILLING and ABLE.

Their decision was not made in haste, but it was carefully considered and guided by appropriate professional advisors. As they reflected one day on the path that they had travelled, each realized how they had benefitted from their having come together. 

* Please note: Due to a number of pressing time commitments we were unable to obtain a current photo of Ready, Willing and Able. Fortunately our researchers have provided us with the image shown here on the left which has been used for this post. 

READY saw that while he was good at managing money, his skills with managing people seemed to be an area where he struggled. Ready was more comfortable working behind the scene, not in the lime-light or in the spotlight.

WILLING, on the other hand was excellent in social situations and seemed to get along with everyone he met. He seemed to have a knack for bringing people together and getting things started. Where he occasionally stumbled was after the project was underway and emerging challenges slowed his progress.

ABLE was very good at what he did. In fact, he had been recognized for excellence and proficiency in his field by his peers. While he enjoyed his work, he dreaded the sense of being trapped in a job that didn't allow him to explore other areas of interest.

To sum it up, they agreed that TOGETHER, the three of them COMPLEMENTED the others in the group. Recognizing their individual STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES they were able to find a way to COLLABORATE and find SUCCESS. Had they continues to try to make it on their own they may never have been able to fully realize their dreams.

Do you have a story about the power of COLLABORATION? 

Leave us a note with your story!

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Balancing Entrepreneurial Drive within the Organizational Bureaucracy

Having worked with many entrepreneurs who are advancing their business dreams, I’ve come to see that collaboration may be more important today than ever! 

In today’s complex world, with increased security and environmental concerns, on top of intense global economic and competitive forces, it seems that the ‘Lone Ranger’ approach is more likely to leave you isolated than leading the pack.

Yet, the entrepreneurial spirit is not unique to the self employed and leaders of private business ventures. What about those who find themselves working within an organization? Where is the line that separates taking a daring leadership role, or ‘toeing the line’ and 'falling in' behind those with formal authority?

There is no doubt that moving forward requires leadership. Someone needs to take on that role or little will be accomplished. Every project, every initiative requires a champion with the vision to move the change process forward. Who is the one that will recognize the need, involve stakeholders, explore potential options, identify the best solution and take action that puts the best solution into place?

May I suggest that it's in that very question that the argument finds it’s Achilles heal. For I think that it's less likely that any ONE person will deliver the desired transformative results, and more plausible that a TEAM with a diverse set of skills and expertise will deliver the better solution.

Working together, with the input and perspective of others, we are in a better position to make the BEST decision on how to proceed. Each of us has an understanding of what needs to be done in the situations we face. Harnessing our collective talents and collaborating in an open, trusting environment - one that respects the team, as well as the decision making process, is more likely to succeed. It is therefore vitally important to understand the decision making process within the organization and respect the lines of authority in place to make those decisions.

Here is an extract from a related article from my friend, John Kuypers.  John is the president of Performance Shift Consulting and the author of the book, Who’s The Driver Anyway - Making The Shift To A Collaborative Team Culture. (Carswell Publishing) 

John talks about some of the accompanying challenges one may face when collaborating with others, and provides a vivid example from his past to illustrate. His advise is that, “... To collaborate successfully, you must be clear and upfront about who gets to decide, and to what degree, even if they make the ‘wrong’ decision. The payoff will be healthy relationships and an aligned team who performs to the maximum of their abilities. That is the most you can hope for as a leader.”

John also shares a wise tale from one of Aesop’s Fables. “It reveals a certain truth that each of us needs to learn in the workplace if we are to be successful in our roles.”

Here is how John relays the story in his article:
AT ONE TIME a very large and strong Wolf was born among the wolves, exceeded all his fellow-wolves in strength, size, and swiftness, so that they unanimously decided to call him "Lion." The Wolf, with a lack of sense proportioned to his enormous size, thought that they gave him this name in earnest, and, leaving his own race, consorted exclusively with the lions. An old sly Fox, seeing this, said, "May I never make myself so ridiculous as you do in your pride and self-conceit; for even though you have the size of a lion among wolves, in a herd of lions you are definitely a wolf."

Thanks for permission to quote from your article John! 

     The full text can be seen by clicking HERE.

And for more from John Kuypers, visit his Website at:



Friday, November 30, 2012

SEEDS of Success ... Towering Giants

We were standing on the ground floor of what was called an Ancient Forest in British Columbia (Canada). Dwarfed by these giants, some of them two thousand years old, was truly awe-inspiring. It's truly amazing to SEE what can come from a tiny SEED.  Awesome!

Every now and again I have the opportunity and privilege of standing in front of a group of people to speak. If you’ve never stood in front of a crowd to say a few words, it may be difficult to imagine – but I’ll never forget the deeply powerful feelings I’ve had on those occasions. There is just something very extraordinarily satisfying about helping others to unleash their POTENTIAL - enabling them to realize their hope, dreams and aspirations!

As with the potential that is deep within a tiny seed, I am reminded of the great potential within each one of us. 

Somewhere inside each of us there is a dream that we may have allowed to remain dormant. Perhaps it's been like that for years ... even decades. None-the-less, under the right conditions, that seed when released, has the POTENTIAL to rekindle those dreams! The first step is usually the most difficult. Once committed to move towards your goal, it’s just like walking ... a walk through the forest! (smile)

When we help others to succeed we also help ourselves to grow, develop and achieve success! 

Regardless of our stage of life, our past successes or failures, we can have a brighter tomorrow! There is so much we can learn from each other, making our time together mutually beneficial.

Thank you to all of those who have shared their experience with me over the years and with others needing assistance. Whether it's been in person, on paper or in electronic format ... your experiences, shared with others, helps us ALL to GROW! 

Why not share a few comments on how someone has helped you, or how you've been able to help others succeed? 

We would love to hear from you!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

SMART Goals - A Quick Introduction!

GOAL SETTING only becomes important if you know where you want to go. Goals are the steps that, when successfully accomplished, will have taken you from where you are now, to where you want to be at a specific future point in time.  

Perhaps one of the "smartest" things to do, is to set some SMART Goals!  
Here are a few guiding thoughts for you to use.

SMART Goals are:
·      Specific
·      Measurable
·      Attainable
·      Realistic
·      Time-Bound


Specific - Divide large and general goals into smaller, more specific ones.

Measurable - Can your progress toward your goal be tracked? What measurements provide the clearest indication of progress? Can these measurements be used in other areas of your business management? (Look to measure aspects related to: Quality, cost and time.)

Attainable - Can your goal actually be done? Is it possible, or is it impossible?

Realistic - If it can be achieved, what investment of time, energy and resources would be required? Are you prepared to pursue this goal?

Time-bound - When will you have achieved this goal? Set short term, intermediate and long term goals. Remember that even in taking small steps, you do get closer to your ultimate goal. This is still progress!

GOALS are like the lofty mountain heights that keep us looking upwards on our journey.  They keep us oriented in the right direction, pointing the way.  When the going gets tough, we need only to glance again at the goal.  Knowing we are closer, while not yet there, does not cause us to despair.  Rather, it lifts our spirits and provides a renewed sense of purpose and flesh vigour to continue on our way. 


We look forward to your helpful comments here!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Leadership, Achievement and Success ...

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson.

See the BIG Picture ...

... Blaze a trail for others to follow!
“Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done.”
– Robert Heinlein

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.”
- John F. Kennedy

"I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
- Michael Jordan

“All great deeds and all great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning.”
– Albert Camus

"Always do what you are afraid to do."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Remember, if you’re headed in the wrong direction, God allows U-turns!”
- Allison Gappa Bottke

Leadership, Achievement and Success ... 

* Pick ONE of those key words and leave your thoughts to help others. We're looking forward to your posts!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What's the MAIN Thing?

"The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing."  
-  Stephen R. Covey

Several years ago, I was in the office of the General Manager for a business incubator.  He had just provided the group that I was in with a tour of the facility he was responsible for, when I spotted the above quote by Stephen R. Covey on his wall.

One of the many things I mention to business audiences is that the main thing in business is to keep the 'main' thing, the 'main' thing. There will be those who will come to you, and ask if you can to do something different for them.  While you may be able to do it, the question is really, should you do it?   

  • You need to know whether or not that request is something that you should take on! 
  • Is fulfilling that request going to add to the growth of your business, or is it a distraction that you should politely decline, and refer to another source?

How do you keep your focus on the 'main thing' in your business?

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

The ENJOY CENTRE - St. Albert, Alberta ...

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
–Margaret Mead

My family has enjoyed many wonderful visits to the "Enjoy Centre" in St. Albert (Alberta, Canada) and have been so impressed with their vision.  I recall the anticipation and sense of excitement in his voice as Jim Hole talked about the vision that they had for this multi-purpose venue and business.  Jim Hole described it in a CBC radio interview ... and he talked about what a fantastic place it would be.  A few years later, we've seen that was true. It is an amazing place, and I encourage you to make a point of stopping in to see this advanced facility in action. It's a great place to truly "ENJOY".


Please allow me to share some of that with you, as noted on their Contact Page at:

Unearth the Possibilities

To fulfill our mandate to create a destination that is about living and life, we invite you to join us in building a community of business that share not only a vision but also an accountability to the environment and to future generations. Together, we can construct a model of sustainable design where businesses share resources, technology and the belief that a business's "real wealth" consists of the contributions that people and the environment make to the overall quality of life.

Be part of the experience.

Transform old ways of doing business into progressive thinking, and apply the philosophy of sustainable living to both your business and life.

SEEN BELOW - Are a couple of the descriptive signs that inform visitors of the advanced processes used within this state-of-the-art greenhouse facility.  

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

VISION - the Starting Point for Building Tomorrow

Every now and again I come across the word "VISION" ... you've likely bumped into it a few times as well. 

"Cinderella Castle by Day" - Photo by SteamFan *

What does VISION mean to you? 

How do you develop your VISION? 

I read a wonderful story, and to be honest, I just don't recall the source, but it was about the achievements of Walt Disney - the visionary behind Disneyland, Disney World, and those magical places that have fascinated generations around the world. Walt Disney passed away in 1966, about five years before Disney World's "Magic Kingdom" theme park opened to the public in Florida.

It's told that on the opening day of Disney World, a reporter commented to Walt's brother, Roy Disney, something along the line, "Isn't it a shame that Walt wasn't able to live to see all of this."  As the two of men looked around at the fabulous theme park they were standing in, it's said that Roy replied, "It was only because Walt had been able to 'see' it years before, that we are now able to see it today."

That's what a powerful VISION can do! It takes an idea, a concept, a dream ... and it transforms that intangible thing into something that others can see, touch, taste, take-in and enjoy. 

Why not share some of your thoughts on what VISION means to you? 

Who are some of the VISIONARIES that inspire you?

* Note: Photo sourced -