Sunday, April 10, 2011

Vision, MIssion and Values ...

How much thought should the business owner give to developing their vision, mission, and values? We had some great discussion around that subject with the group that participated in the 2011 BUSINESS START-UP SEMINAR SERIES, "Building the Basics of Your Business" - hosted by the Sherwood Park and District Chamber of Commerce and Strathcona County Economic Development and Tourism.

An interesting statistic was brought out by Tyler Westover, Small Business and Tourism Specialist with Strathcona County:  
● 71% of people surveyed said that they, “make it a point to buy brands from companies whose values are similar to my own.” (Source: Young & Rubicam, August 2010.)
 Sourced from - March/April briefing.

With that thought in mind, trying to find a way to connect what you the owner value, with the things that are valued by your target audience can make a huge difference in your potential business success.

As presented to the audience that gathered, your business can be 'the canvas' upon which you paint a masterpiece for the world to view. When they look at your business, what is the picture that they will see? Does it accurately reflect the image that you want them to have of you, and what you value?


Saturday, April 02, 2011

Business Plans ... Do they help?

One of the things that I've found very helpful for people in business or going into business is to develop a business plan. The challenge is to overcome the temptation of saying to yourself, "I really don't need a business plan."  There are in fact, several very good reasons that you should have one, as I recently explained to a group of potential entrepreneurs in Sherwood Park, located just east of Edmonton, Alberta.  

This spring, I was very pleased to again facilitate the BUSINESS START-UP SERIES that was hosted by Strathcona County Economic Development and Tourism, and the Sherwood Park and District Chamber of Commerce. While some of the attendees were already 'up and running' most were still in the early stages of setting up their businesses.  Attendees were all eager to gather insights and information from the experts participating and appreciated the valuable learning that took place, with the generous support of the series sponsors: RBC Financial and Servus Credit Union.

For more information on "Business Plans" and a look at my video clip talking about it's importance, visit: