Business can be challenging at the best of times - how are you finding things in today's economy?
Regardless of where you are in your business development timeline: Starting, Growing or Transitioning your business, there is always value in taking Pro-Active Steps, through exploring options and planning your NEXT STEPS!
You've likely heard the phrase, "No one plans the Fail ... they simply Fail to Plan."
What is it that keeps us from doing the type of planning that we know should be done? One of the most challenging things for the entrepreneur is to step back from their business and view it from an objective perspective. The fact is, we're so close to the venture that it's extremely difficult to see anything else!
Planning isn't always easy, but it doesn't have to be difficult either, particularly when you have someone to help guide you through the process. And that's where we can help you.
So let's get you started with one of the first steps! And that step is to come up with a clear understanding of where you want your business to go! In considering this, there are several important components we walk our clients through. One of them relates to your business Vision!
Vision: A vivid and inspiring description of what you'd like to achieve within a specified timeframe, providing you and your team with a clear understanding of your purpose and the value of your efforts.
Jonathan Swift put it this way, "Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others."
Helen Keller said that, "The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision."
So for just a few moments, reflect on the following questions:
· What would you want your business to be 'known for' 10, 15 or 20 years from now?
· What is it about that reputation that motivates you to achieve that objective?
· What first steps will you need to take in order to make your vision a reality?
The thing is ... We all need to have a clear picture of what we want to achieve. Without having a handle on that, it will be impossible to develop a plan to take you along the best path towards achieving that objective. Instead, we'll find ourselves spending time, effort and significant resources doing things that are unproductive and unprofitable. A clear vision provides a clear focus. It allows you to best allocate the resources you have available to move toward your intended destination.
For those of you familiar with the work of Brian Tracy, you'll appreciate when he says, "All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose."
VISION is just the FIRST STEP - of course, there's much to explore beyond that. We'd encourage you to develop or re-visit your vision. Let your vision serve as a starting point on your path to a better future. Clarify your vision and then begin the process of identifying the path that will lead to that objective and put you in a better position to face the challenges ahead!
At Pro-Vision Solutions Inc. we be very pleased to help you through this process, providing an objective perspective that will allow you to focus your resources where they'll produce the greatest results for your business!
* We'll help you find a SOLUTION that’s right for your business planning and growth needs! Whether that's in providing a "Business Plan Review" for you, assisting you with our “Business Plan Coaching” services, or getting right in there with our “Business Plan Writing” service, we'll ‘walk with you’ on your journey as you move every closer to fulfilling your vision!
Let's begin that journey with a conversation around your VISION and what you'd like to accomplish. Working together, we'll walk with you through the entire process as you give shape to the future you've seen in your vision.
Contact us now and we'll arrange to have a 'Complimentary Conversation' as a way of getting to know each other a little better. We'll look forward to speaking with you soon!
Here's a link to our Website "Contact" page with all of the details to help you quickly reach us.
We're looking forward to hearing from you soon and helping you improve your business.
Jim Ewing, Co-Founder
Pro-Vision Solutions Inc.
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