Entrepreneurs like it when things are going smoothly and nothing seems to be getting in their way. Life is an open road and the prospects for the future look great.
Well ... that's the dream. The reality is often a little more complex and there will be challenges that continually put you and your team to the test.
These things may slow you down, but they don't need to keep you from ultimately reaching your destination. Just take things 'one step at a time' and work your way through the process. That's just one of the many valuable business lessons we can learn as we travel the challenging road toward BUSINESS SUCCESS!
Scott's contact information can be seen at the end of this post.
Best wishes on your entrepreneurial journey ...
- Jim, for the Pro-Vision Solutions Inc. TEAM.
Here's Scott's fifth post in this series ...
Today’s thought: Defensive driving (5) - “Make Sure They See You”
The last tip for defensive driving is to “Make Sure They See You”. It’s all about communication on the road. Some may not know this, but one of the reasons why all these ‘fancy cars’ have all these different types of ‘flashy gadgets’ (called signal lights), is so that drivers can let others know their intentions on the road. It provides other drivers with fair warning, so they can react accordingly.
I know, it would also be much easier on our travels if others would actually read their owners manual, if only to learn how to operate said signals. How many times do we get upset because someone weaves in front of us without a signal, or they do signal but they just make it past us, barely providing enough space?
I also realize what’s next on your list of questions. "How many 'cars' have to ignore my signal before someone lets me in to the lane I need?" The object is to not get into an accident. Inevitably, one of two things will happen. A) Someone will let you in, or B) everyone will hurry and pass you, only to switch back right in front of you a few moments later.
In some cases, the section of road we are travelling is multiple lanes and some folks, as is the law in many states, will actually change lanes to the left and so allow you the space you need to get into the next lane. They don't lose their momentum, while still allowing for you to get into the space you need to make progress. You can do this too, if there's room.
This final tip, “Make Sure They See You”, combined with all the other tips, should help you to get where you're going with minimal disruptions on the road to success. However, just like on the real roads, some things will be unavoidable. That’s likely because someone, somewhere up the line ahead, has created a traffic jam, and just like everyone else, you wait. Life can be like that at times, but take some comfort in knowing that YOU were not cause of the delay, or involved in an accident.
Safe journeys, and hopefully some or all of this was helpful, as you travel on your road to success!
Scott Sheris is a writer from Colorado Springs, Colorado (USA) who’s primary focus is personal core development. His mission is to (H)elp (O)ther (P)eople (E)xcel – helping to bring HOPE to others as they begin to change their lives in new ways.
To contact Scott, or see more of his work, please visit his website at:
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