Saturday, February 15, 2014

FOUR GREAT REASONS to Attend the Business StartUp Seminar Series ...

Have I got you confused or wondering what I'm talking about? (smile)

OK ... SURE, I'm talking about a specific BUSINESS START-UP SEMINAR SERIES that's going to be starting in March of this year, BUT (stick with me on this) ... please allow me to expand upon this, and point out WHY this type of community-based event can be so helpful for those considering a business venture in ANY COMMUNITY


1st - While many may think that having a business of their own is something that they'd like in the future, registering to participate in a series like this is a very tangible first step towards making it happen.  

2nd - Attending events like this is where you'll find out what's required, not only in general terms, but you'll get some specifics that relate to your community. 

3rd - In a group setting like this, you'll meet others who likely have similar questions (and perhaps some 'fears') regarding what's involved. 

4th - In addition, as you go through the learning process together, you'll discover that you're not along on this journey - that there are others you can call on to help guide you along the way.

Of course, different communities have different needs and requirements; that's very true. So a Seminar Series in your community is going to be different in many ways from this one that I'll be facilitating in Sherwood Park, Alberta.  

* This upcoming series will provide participants with a real focus on developing a business plan. Personally, I think a big challenge for many would-be entrepreneurs is to overcome the mindset that says, "I don't think I need a business plan."  There are in fact, several very good reasons that I believe you should have one! I'm looking forward to hearing what the various business experts and successful entrepreneurs speaking in this series will have to say regarding the value of a business plan! 

In closing, ASK around in your community if similar events are planned.   

BTW - If you or someone you know is thinking of Starting a Business in Sherwood Park, Alberta or within the Strathcona County area, please pass on this link to their upcoming seminars. 
The series is being hosted by: the Sherwood Park & District Chamber of Commerce, and Strathcona County Economic Development and Tourism 
Sponsors include: ATB Financial, KPMG Enterprise, and RBC Royal Bank

Because making good use of cash is important in launching a business, there's even an "Early Bird" registration rate that's available until Monday, Feb. 17th

Thanks for sharing this information where you feel it's helpful and would be appreciated. 

* More details regarding the Business StartUp Seminar Series in Strathcona County can be found at:
BONUS: Here's a link to a video I did for The Business Link a few years ago. The content is still very appropriate as a 'high level' overview of what goes into a "Business Plan" although the URL for the organization has changed.  CLICK HERE to view the video.

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