Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Your Comments - Part 8 - "Born or Made"

We promised to provide you with some of the feedback being received on our Linkedin Poll, where we asked the question: Are Entrepreneurs Born, or are they Made?

Our Linkedin Poll was launched on December 18, 2011 and your response has been overwhelming!  Thank you to all who contributed to the debate or voted in our poll.

Below are just a few of the comments that were provided. We have generally not edited what you see below. We trust that it being place on this BLOG will allow opportunity for other to join in the discussion.  Enjoy and please ADD your COMMENTS to this POST!

Alan Hunter,AMC,CAM,CCP,CFE,CIPM,ICIA,P. Mgr • I voted for made. David, William, and Elisa have it right. If you look at some of the successful entrepreneurs, they have overcome disadvantage, and have adopted an "I'll be damned if I let that stop me" attitude which has guided them to great success. That having been said, if people are born "with" all it takes to become an entrepreneur, why then, are there not more entrepreneurs than employees in the business world? 

Arun Singh Ruhela ( • the mix of both is must. One side of coin will not work. Initial basic traits are must.. and only then one can made something. A tumbler made of ice can store water but for that conditions must be set by outside world..  

Brian Wilson • I believe that Entrepreneurs are born that way since is their choice and theirs alone to choose which side of a Y to follow on the road of life during their journey to becoming an entrepreneur. 

Maureen Livinuk, CMA • I believe there are certain personality traits that lend themselves more to entrepreneurship; traits such as willingness to take risks, leadership skills and achievement oriented. However, environment has a big impact on whether and how an individual will pursue their goals.  

Gurdev Singh Bedi • The entrepreneurship spirit came from within. Self-made entrepreneurs are hungry for success with service while born are hungry for self success with some exceptions. 

Steven Thompson • I feel that we "born with the entrepreneurial gene." Some discover it early and others later. But after you've started something that you think is the "first time," such as a business, a division or even a department, you begin to think back about other things that you've created in your career and life and you can start to see how the dots connect. Hence, the entrepreneurial gene was there all the time.  

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