Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Your Comments - Part 1 - "Born, or Made?"

We promised to provide you with some of the feedback being received on our Linkedin Poll, where we asked the question: Are Entrepreneurs Born, or are they Made?

Our Linkedin Poll was launched on December 18, 2011 and your response has been overwhelming!  Thank you to all who contributed to the debate or voted in our poll.
Below are just a few of the comments that were provided. We have generally not edited what you see below. We trust that it being place on this BLOG will allow opportunity for other to join in the discussion.  Enjoy and please ADD your COMMENTS to this POST!

Greg Gazin • If you agree with Toastmasters new tag line, where leaders are made, you would have your answer. Before I joined, leadership, especially talking on the role as District Governor, akin to a CEO, was never on my radar. Toastmasters - the people & the program helped open that door for me. Therefore.... Leaders (Entrepreneurs) are Made! 
Stever Robbins • Once upon a time, EVERYONE was an entrepreneur. The "company man" (or woman) phenomenon is only about 150 years old. Entrepreneurship is a behavior that can be learned by anyone who really wants to learn it. (In fact, I would argue we're naturally entrepreneurs and train it out of people when we send them into the corporate world.)  
Michelle Devlin • I concur with Stever in that we are ALL entrepreneurs in some way - we're born with it. Our whole life we are "selling" ourselves, so in my mind the question is, who keeps that burning desire, takes risks and puts finances on the line to do it? Had the question been: Are SUCCESSFUL entrepreneurs born or made?... I believe they are MADE - through their experiences, mentors and knowledge. 
David Abday • Entrepreneurs in my opinion are made but I believe that there are a number of factors that influence how difficult the "making of an entrepreneur" becomes 1) The personality type and the associated approach to risk, 2) childhood experiences associated with entrepreneurs (success/failures and associated emotions of those affected), 3) mentors, parents and other heroes/villains, 4) motivational factors (rebellion against authority, factors that drive success, seeking approval of specific people) ... etc. Overall making of an entrepreneur is a transforming process usually involving pain, growth, failure and success.

1 comment:

  1. Greg - thanks for the quick reply to the Poll Question! I like the connection that you made between entrepreneurship and leadership. Whether the entrepreneur leads 'many' in an organization or leads their venture as a sole effort, they still lead. My personal experience with the leadership and training provided by Toastmasters International has been outstanding! I can't say enough about the value it offers to those looking to progress in their careers.

    Stever & Michelle - there is no doubt that some significant changes have taken place over the decades. There has definitely been an economic shift from independence to inter-dependance. Still - where the entrepreneurial spirit does exist, it can be fanned from glowing embers into growing flames.

    David - ... I really appreciate your comments related to individuality, the input and guidance of others, as well as the level of desire that moves each of us forward. Let me also thank you for the opportunity to get together to do that video clip on mentorship. You provided some great stories that are going to help so many others. BTW - that clip is available on our YouTube Channel:
