Friday, July 20, 2018

Business IDEAS and Business POTENTIAL

Where do good business IDEAS come from, and how can I determine if an idea has POTENTIAL? 

Those are great questions! Let’s take a closer look at them.

Earlier this year, I had opportunity to meet Vini Costanzo, Director with

ViniCostanzo Business Intelligence. Vini and I were both involved with the Mentoring of participants in "CrashCourse Jumpstart" - a business start-up weekend event held at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) in Edmonton. He brought his expertise in marketing, social media and online business solutions, while I brought my experience with start-up, business planning and growth. In my discussions with him, Vini reflected on one of his previous observations (posted to his Instagram), which I'm pleased to share with you here:

Thank you Vini. Your comments reminded me of something a former colleague of mine and entrepreneurship instructor still likes to say: "IDEAS are a DIME a dozen!"

A key to success as an entrepreneur is to find an idea that truly represents a business opportunity. In other words: are people prepared to spend their hard-earned money on whatever product or service your business will provide? Does it provide a solution to the problem or pain that they are experiencing? You may have a 'hunch' that there’s some level of interest, but have you taken steps to qualify and quantify the potential demand? Have you tested the market “appetite” for what you are thinking of offering? Many would-be business owners forget to validate the level of demand, and subsequently become frustrated when things don't go as anticipated. Sadly, for many, frustration isn’t the only negative outcome. Often there is significant damage to important relationships, personal reputations, and negative financial consequences as the result of the failure of a business launch.

At Pro-Vision Solutions Inc. we work with our clients to help them evaluate the potential of their ideas, and understand the necessary steps to put their business opportunity into the marketplace. Please let us know if you'd like to further explore your idea with our assistance and join those we've helped with "... a SMARTER Business Start, Growth and Mentorship!"


We welcome your creative thoughts on WHERE IDEAS for Business can come from, and HOW to EVALUATE their POTENTIAL

  • Are you looking for some help in Exploring a BUSINESS Opportunity?
  • Are you maybe expanding into a new area of business?
  • Are you ready to move forward?
... Let's take a look at it together! 
More information & details are on our Website: CLICK HERE

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