Excitement, anticipation, and perhaps just a little apprehension ... these are all natural feelings to be expected. And while we may experience a wide-range of emotions along this entrepreneurial road, one thing is certain - there's just never enough TIME!
And speaking of TIME - Jim Rohn said, "Time is more valuable than money; you can get more money, but you can not get more time."
In 'start-up' as well as 'ramp-up' there are so many things that call for your attention! And the stress level can quickly build when so much is 'on the line'.
In one of the final sessions we had with a group of early-stage entrepreneurs in Edmonton, we talked about the importance of balancing our priorities when faced with a ‘mountain’ of work to be done! It's an important topic for entrepreneurs, because when we get it right - we’ll find ourselves doing the right things, and doing them in the right way!
With this post we'll take a look at aspects of time management and how we can "MAKE" more of it (smile). And to start us off, here are a couple of ‘timely’ quotes that we thought you'd enjoy:
"It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste." (Henry Ford)Fortunately, each of the entrepreneurs in the group mentioned earlier seemed to have a very clear focus on their business concepts. They were also venturing into areas where they had previous sector experience - and there's no substitute for having had real-life experience in your area of business!
"If you want to make good use of your time you've got to know what's most important and then give it all you've got." (Lee Iacocca)
For more on effectively using our time, we asked Don Smythe of Priority Management if he’d provide some suggestions. Don was one of the guest presenters at the November 2015 - Business START-UP Seminar Series that we facilitated in St. Albert, Alberta. Thank you once again Don, and also for now providing these great insights in our Guest Post.
How to Start Your Week Successfully
by Ashley W. Carter
A guide to a better Monday
Few people enjoy Monday. It’s officially been labeled as the blunt reminder that your weekend of leisurely activities is now over and you must spend another stressful four days of setting an alarm for work. It’s intimidating, daunting and more stressful than any other day of the week. I have found that come Monday morning I am more exhausted, less organized and my anxiety is higher than any other day but I feel as if it should be the opposite. So I have decided to start Monday stronger, with a positive attitude and short-term goals to keep me motivated throughout the week. I want to feel like I am capable of accomplishing everything that I can and actually take advantage of the time I have to be productive. What is it that I have been doing wrong? Was it the weekend long birthday celebration? The fact that I binge watched Netflix? Or was it simply my mindset? Finally, I asked myself, “What are you going to do to change this dreadful routine?” and this is what I came up with:
Make a checklist:
Making a checklist the night before allows you to stay both motivated and organized. It keeps you in check with all of the things you have to get done for the next day. More importantly it gives you the feeling of success. By marking off number 1, you’ll feel like you’ve accomplished something, which motivates you to keep on keeping on.
Sleep is vital for daily functions. If you aren’t getting at least 8 hours of it, you’re doing yourself an injustice. When you’re well rested, you’ll find that you have more energy throughout your day.
Wake up earlier:
As long as you aren’t taking away from your minimum of 8 hours, this little trick will lower your stress. Waking up earlier than your normal 7:30 alarm gives you more time to get ready for the day, contemplate your daily goals and get what you need done before it all starts.
Do Not Email First Thing in the Morning or Last Thing at Night:
The former scrambles your priorities and all your plans for the day and the latter just gives you insomnia -“email can wait until 10am” or after you check off at least one substantive to-do list item.
Eat a substantial breakfast:
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Do not skip it. Eating a healthy and filling breakfast provides the energy you need to get the tasks at hand done before your lunch break. Can’t seem to find your appetite? Try making a protein & veggie packed smoothie for an on-the-go pick me up!
Yoga is a century long practice known for great health benefits and lowering stress. It’s also a great way to stay flexible and in shape. Not a yogi? You don’t have to be.
Update your calendar:
Organization is key to success! If you don’t have a plan in your briefcase, on your laptop/PC or a calendar on the fridge, it’s time to get one. Plan out your week by notating your schedule in your calendar. This way you have an idea of what your upcoming week looks like and nothing surprises you. It also prevents you from being late or forgetting that important meeting that was mandatory.
Establish your goals:
Whether it’s a short-term goal or a long-term goal, it’s important. Write down what it is that you want to accomplish. These can be small tasks such as, making it to work on time or larger tasks such as, starting your own company. Either way, don’t push it to the side and take it one step at a time.
Enjoy what you do:
If you are unhappy with your job, you’re going to be unhappy everyday not just Monday. Why start every week out dreading work? By no means quit your job on the spot but definitely consider other options. Start with this basic question, “What is it that I am both good at and enjoy?”
Meal prep:
All of the health experts recommend meal prepping for a better diet routine. I recommend meal prepping because it’s not only healthy, it provides more time throughout the week to relax or do other hobbies outside of work. Cooking is time consuming and requires standing on your feet. Get the goods cooked and ready to go on Sunday to save yourself the stress throughout the rest of the week.
Stay positive:
Staying positive isn’t always the easiest thing to do but it certainly makes life easier on you. There’s no point in finding the negative in everything you do. You only have one chance at life, so make it worth your while with a smile.
Priority Management is a worldwide training company with 75 offices in 15 countries. We have successfully trained more than two million graduates in Priority workshops. Our programs help companies and people be more effective and manage their workflow in and out of the office by providing tools, processes and discipline. Simply put - A Better Way To Work! Clients range from small business, government/military employees to Fortune 500 companies.
NOTE: This post can also be seen at: http://www.prioritymanagement.com/newsletter/2015_11/Productivity_1115.php
In closing, we invite you to include Pro-Vision Solutions Inc. as a part of your TEAM of business professionals. With our 30+ years of experience in helping entrepreneurs, we'd be pleased to help you with your business plan development or business plan review.
Whether your business is a start-up, growing, changing or transitioning, let's talk about it! Together, we can help you Build your Business Dream ... starting with your Business PLAN.
NOTE: Information on the services provided by Pro-Vision Solutions Inc. and how we assist our clients can be found on our Website: www.pvs4u.ca
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