Success is ultimately found by those with the PATIENCE and ENDURANCE to bravely face each challenge, dust themselves off after a set-back, and continue to move forward.
Entrepreneurs know a lot about experiencing and overcoming set-backs! It’s interesting that many of them also started their business ventures because of other career challenges. Now they can take the experiences they’ve had along their career path and apply that to work that they now create for themselves.
My friend, Garland Coulson asks the question:
Garland and I will be facilitating a one-day Entrepreneur Training Camp in Edmonton, Alberta on Thursday, September 11, 2014.
Garland notes that traditional “work” wisdom is to get an education and experience in your field, work hard and you would have job security - a career for life. But traditional jobs are under attack from downsizing, outsourcing, wage freezes and even robotics. Instead of being the safest, most secure way of funding your life, a traditional job has been shown to be a case of “all your eggs in one basket” with people being put tossed to the curb after years of hard work and loyalty. Job security is dead and jobs are becoming obsolete.
That’s why we’re pleased to be helping people adapt to the changing job landscape, and showing people how to create their OWN jobs.
Statistics Canada states that 68% of new jobs are created by entrepreneurs.
The one-day training camp is an excellent opportunity for those thinking of starting a business or for existing Edmonton entrepreneurs to learn how to get to the next level.
Edmonton Entrepreneur Training Camp topics include:
• Success Planning for Entrepreneurs (Jim Ewing)
• Marketing Magic for Entrepreneurs (Garland Coulson)
• The Perfect Pitch - Find the Money (Jim Ewing)
• Time Hacks for Entrepreneurs (Garland Coulson)
Location and details:
• Date: Thurs, Sep 11,2014
• 8:30 am to 4 pm (light lunch served)
• Location: The Business Link – 10160 – 103 St NW. Edmonton, Alberta
• Registration is $175 – Register at Entrepreneurtraining.ca
EntrepreneurTraining.ca believes in entrepreneurs and focuses on providing professional development for business owners by organizing Entrepreneur Training Camps in Western Canada.
For more information on the Entrepreneur Training Camp and to Register, please visit the registration website at: Entrepreneurtraining.ca