Saturday, May 18, 2013

What about Creativity?

When it comes to CREATIVITY, you've likely used it many times over the years and in various challenging situations that you've faced in business. 

My experience has been that many of us will continue to trudge down the well-worn path - doing the 'same old, same old' without giving things a second thought. But there are a few (thankfully) who will put in that extra degree of effort and try something new. They are in no way guaranteed success, but because they are willing to take a risk, they have the opportunity to be successful ... and with it, the opportunity to be a difference maker.
It was just over a year ago that I attended the Annual Conference for Economic Developers Alberta and met Todd Hirsch, Economist with ATB Financial. I posted an item to this BLOG in January 2013 that mentioned some of Todd's comments and I thought this would be a good opportunity to revisit some of the other ideas that are mentioned in his work.

I think that Todd Hirsch brings an interesting perspective to the challenges facing the business community and he raises some great point in his book - “The Boiling Frog Dilemma: Saving Canada from Economic Decline”. Co-authored with Robert Roach, the authors place considerable focus on what they've labelled the New Canadian Entrepreneur - someone who is actively seeking to become more creative and takes concrete actions on ideas that have value.
For example, on page 158 of the book - there is an interesting discussion related to creativity, and the statement is made that, “a creative person is one who purposely tries to look at a problem or a situation in a new way. Creativity is not the same as the capacity for imagination. To actually be creative, you have to get off your butt and do something. So, one of the traits of a creative person is the willingness to take action on an idea, an impulse or a hunch.”

Here are some suggested activities from the authors to help us become more creative:

Easy – reading something different, flipping through a magazine on a topic you normally wouldn’t be interested in, taking a different route to work, or home from work.
Medium – attending an artistic event that would be out of the norm for you. That might be going to a rock concert, opera, or a conceptual art exhibit. Consider spending some time playing with a child under five and entering into their world of make-believe. Volunteering for a non-profit organization in your community.

NOW - What are some of the valuable lessons that you've learned through the development of your business?

Would you be willing to share some of those lessons and thoughts with our audience?

Here is your opportunity to ADD a few comments, tips or suggestions to assist others in a number of KEY ASPECTS that will impact their business and help them realize their own BUSINESS SUCCESS!

What suggestions or input would you offer to HELP                                     a fellow entrepreneur when it comes to "engaging" their CREATIVITY ???

Thanks in advance for adding your comments!

(Remember - your comments don't need to be   l o n g   to make a BIG difference.)

* Be sure to add your contact information to your response so that we can let others in our circle of contacts know how to reach you!